In just a few days most of the Christian world will overlook the irony in their celebration of what originated as a pagan holiday. Most people would look at this as an opportunity to make a playlist full of Christian Death or Bauhaus to shore up their goth cred or go for ironic covers to show their knowledge of the obscure. Instead, we'll offer a list of songs that either captures the dark feel of the holiday directly through their subject matter or indirectly through the mood they cast.
Pop Infection Halloween Mix:
Moon Duo - "Horror Tour"
White Suns - "Skin Deep"
His Electro Blue Voice - "Duuug"
Lightning Bolt - "Halloween III" (live)
Iceage - "Rotting Heights"
The Men - "Night Landing"
Tombs - "Angel of Destruction"
Balaclavas - "Snake People"
Necktarium - "The Dreamless Sun"
Psychic Ills - "I'll Follow You Through the Floor"
this looks awesome//downloading momentarily