Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mondo Ray

A short blast of garage punk has always been a shot in the dark.  Either your songs gets ignored and you continue to mire in obscurity or you end up a footnote in some future edition of the Nuggets collection when they finally get around to the Great Grandchildren of Nuggets, whenever that may be.  Whichever happens, you still probably don't end up famous.

But that's okay.  RAWK isn't for catty primadonnas, right?  It's about NOISE!  Well, if that's the case then Mondo Ray has it.  Here's their single "Hypnotized" which is being released on Windian Records.  You can buy it (please, buy it!) here.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Your Weekend Jam

Geneva Jacuzzi "Do I Sad?" (2010)

In our earlier discussion of Lana Del Rey and musical inequality, it was brought to my attention that while we mentioned certain artists we didn't actually feature them.  So this is an attempt to right that wrong.

The video here is for Geneva Jacuzzi's "Do I Sad?" which sounds like a lost '80s club hit.  Enjoy the small dose of (imagined) nostalgia.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Crystal Stilts Radiant Door EP Preview

Crystal Stilts Radiant Door EP Preview

Sacred Bones is quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with in the world of independent music.  In the last year they've released stellar albums by Case Studies, Zola Jesus, and Amen Dunes, just to name a few.  Now they're prepping for a release of Crystal Stilts' Radiant Door EP.

The EP isn't a radical departure from Crystal Stilts' last album, In Love With Oblivion.  In fact, the first single off this EP, "Dark Eyes", even echoes Oblivion's "Silver Sun" with its reverence for chiming Byrds-like guitars and muffled bellows.  But where that album eventually became a bit of a chore to finish, the concise nature of an EP seems to be the perfect format for Crystal Stilts.  And even moreso than in their last album, the band dives head first into its psychedelic influences.  They opt for the Paisley Underground of 1980s Los Angeles instead of their earlier Joy Division worship setting themselves apart from an indie scene that still stubbornly has one foot planted in Ian Curtis' grave.

Highlights: "Dark Eyes", "Frost Inside the Asylum"

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lana Del Rey; Or, A Standard of Inequality

Hey, you guys.  Have you guys heard?  Lana Del Rey released a new song.  She's up to like four or five now.  That's almost enough for a full album!  Here's some Lana pics cause y'know...

Did I mention she's hot?  And she can sing!  And she dresses like a 1950s pin-up model lost in a Russ Meyer flick.  We should all love her, you guys!

Except I can't, and here's why.