A sly, sexy descent into the haze. Dangerous Boys Club recently released their debut LP, Pris, on Dais Records.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Sex and Violence
The Taint (2010)
So many people want to say something profound. If there’s one thing that’s true of most artists it’s that they seek to comment on the human condition in a meaningful, poignant way. They will find artful ways to enlighten us, or scold us, or simply entertain. Few ever intentionally try to offend us. But that’s where Drew Bolduc comes in. You see, Drew Bolduc also wants to say something profound, but he isn’t interested in exploring human nature as a way to provide a profound commentary. And he has no time for artful diversions or fanciful language. No, Drew Bolduc wants to rip out humanity’s heart, shit down its throat, and make crude phallic-inspired cave paintings in its blood while it looks on in horror.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Antoni Maiovvi - "Theme from Maiovvowitz"
Antoni Maiovvi returns from the grave with some more dark giallo-disco. "Theme from Maiovvowitz" is part of his next 12" release Mater Proditus, due out June 1 on J.A.M. Traxx.