The Italian deathpunks have officially signed to Sub Pop, and are releasing their debt album, Ruthless Sperm, on August 20th. A reminder of the group's sound and fury is after the jump. More on the announcement can be found at Sub Pop's site.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
His Electro Blue Voice Announce Debut Album
The Italian deathpunks have officially signed to Sub Pop, and are releasing their debt album, Ruthless Sperm, on August 20th. A reminder of the group's sound and fury is after the jump. More on the announcement can be found at Sub Pop's site.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Dangerous Boys Club - "Tranzilvania"
A sly, sexy descent into the haze. Dangerous Boys Club recently released their debut LP, Pris, on Dais Records.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Sex and Violence
The Taint (2010)
So many people want to say something profound. If there’s one thing that’s true of most artists it’s that they seek to comment on the human condition in a meaningful, poignant way. They will find artful ways to enlighten us, or scold us, or simply entertain. Few ever intentionally try to offend us. But that’s where Drew Bolduc comes in. You see, Drew Bolduc also wants to say something profound, but he isn’t interested in exploring human nature as a way to provide a profound commentary. And he has no time for artful diversions or fanciful language. No, Drew Bolduc wants to rip out humanity’s heart, shit down its throat, and make crude phallic-inspired cave paintings in its blood while it looks on in horror.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Antoni Maiovvi - "Theme from Maiovvowitz"
Antoni Maiovvi returns from the grave with some more dark giallo-disco. "Theme from Maiovvowitz" is part of his next 12" release Mater Proditus, due out June 1 on J.A.M. Traxx.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
His Electro Blue Voice - "Kidult" / Sub Pop 1000
It's always satisfying to see a band you support gain more recognition. Previously, Times is Weird had featured His Electro Blue Voice as part of a Halloween mix. Well, the Italian post-punk group has found it's way onto Sub Pop's 25th anniversary compilation, Sub Pop 1000. The group leads the comp off with "Kidult", an explosive burst of aggression that should sound familiar to anyone who has been exposed to the band. To those that haven't, enjoy.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Time Warp Tuesday - Martin Dupont
Yesterday I mentioned Martin Dupont in reference to the excellent Electric Voice compilation; his track on that comp is "Bit of Smile". That track is after the jump, but before we get to that here's another excellent cut Dupont released during the '80s: "Take a Look".
Monday, April 22, 2013
Frank (Just Frank) - Traversez Le Pont
French band Frank (Just Frank) has a new track that appears on the Electric Voice II, a compilation that was put out by Electric Voice Records on March 1st. The compilation marries a new crop of dark-leaning synth artists like Tropic of Cancer with predecessors like Martin Dupont.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Record Store Day: A Critique
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Antoni Maiovvi - "Driving Theme"
Iceage - You're Nothing
This is an album that understands that aging doesn't necessarily make you wiser, just infinitely more confused. "Everything Drifts" and "Wounded Hearts" are a solemn combination that revel in human frailty. But You're Nothing also finds resilience in the fact that we're fucked. "Awake" is probably the closest the band has come to writing something that could be considered uplifting. It's not a "we will carry on" mantra but it offers a call to kick against the pricks. And then the title track seems to contort it's spiteful insult into a rallying crazy similar to Johnny Rotten's sneering of "NO FUTURE!" becoming a self-identifier for disaffected English youth as much as its intended putdown.
You're Nothing isn't a pleasant slog, but it's one you'll feel better for having committed to.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Time Warp Tuesday: Nitzer Ebb
Today's indie dance should feel ashamed. Twenty-five years on and almost no one goes as hard as Nitzer Ebb. And this was before they fully developed their sound. Hunt down a copy of That Total Age.
Monday, February 11, 2013
TiW's Top Albums of 2012
Going along with that, these aren't numbered, because fuck precise categorization. Any number of these albums have shifted places from week to week, so it would be disingenuous to insert them into specific, numbered slots.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Friday, February 8, 2013
Wayward Sounds
Digging through the crates can sometimes result in startling discoveries. Wayward Sounds is a new project we'll be undertaking to feature obscure and unknown music; those sounds that drifted overhead, carried on a current that wouldn't allow for them to catch an audience. Hopefully, they'll now achieve some recognition. The first featured artist is Funktionaries
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Time Warp Tuesday: My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult
Never have truer words been stated.